The Importance of Membership
The soul of The Bharatiya Temple is its membership - individuals, couples and families, who, year after year, make a commitment to support the organization. Their contributions of time, knowledge and financial resources help the temple fulfill its mission of serving the community and promoting the Hindu way of life. Becoming a member signals an affirmation of these ideals. The temple welcomes members from all segments of society, regardless of race, color, sex, religious affiliation, national origin, ethnic background, age, marital status, handicap, veteran status or sexual orientation. The only expectation from those interested in becoming members is a respect for Hindu philosophy and the Hindu way of life. The Bharatiya Temple is a house of God, and its doors are open to everyone. Without sustained support from a broad-based membership, however, it’s hard to imagine that those doors would be open at all.
Please complete a Membership Application and mail it to the address below OR please stop by the Temple office during building hours
Mailing Address: Bharatiya Temple, 6850 N. Adams Road, Troy, MI 48098.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about Temple Membership
What is the last date to pay Membership dues so you are eligible to vote for temple elections?
April 30th is the last date you can vote. To be eligible to vote, the person must have contributed at least $250.00 to the Temple in addition to being a current year member. Prorating applies only to new members.Those who are renewing membership have to pay the whole amount no matter when they pay.
When does the membership get prorated?
Every quarter after April 30th. Prorating only applies to new members.
If you pay membership in October / November for next year, are you considered member for the current year too? If the membership is paid in October, it only applies to the current year but if paid in November, it applies to the current year and the next year.
How do I become a Temple Life member?
Life membership is conferred on those member families whose cumulative financial contributions total $10,000 or more. All donations made by Check or Credit Card are counted towards the life membership. Here is the breakdown.
100% : Any donations, Archanas, Pujas or any religious activities you sponsor.
50% : Any facility rentals, youth camp, tickets for temple events.